Monday, August 27, 2012

Music Gone Wild

1. What would you like to learn during this course?
  • I would like to learn as much as possible from my Professor because even though I know some knowledge of music it would be nice to know more terminology as well as music period.Especially since I'm a dance major and music is something you use to free yourself in so many ways.
 2. Suggest three guidelines for all classroom discussions.
  • Make sure you speak LOUD and clear so the whole class can hear you during discussion.
  • Stay engaged in class discussions
  • Try and be helpful in anyway for your classmates during discussion or anything
3. What do you think will be the biggest challenge in college?
  •  I really can't say what will be the biggest challenge because I haven't faced it yet
                                                                                                                     Venezia Manuel
                                                                                                                     Music Gone Wild!

1 comment:

  1. Venezia,

    As a dancer, I think you will bring a unique perspective to this class, and I know you will gain some valuable knowledge. I have performed with dancers for several years, and will be performing at an arts festival in New York City with some dancers from Iowa in September.

    Collaborating with dancers has been incredibly rewarding and challenging. I am so amazed not only at their physical talent, but also their ability to memorize movement. One of the challenges having worked with choreographers is that musicians and dancers often speak a slightly different language. If I knew more dance terms, that aspect would have been easier. That is why whey we cover the fundamentals of music, and listen to music in class, I think you will benefit greatly.

    Thank you for your post!


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