Sunday, September 23, 2012

Post For " Pictures at an Exhibition"

During this weeks class I found the "Pictures at an Exhibition" video to be very interesting. The reason I say this is because at first I found it hard to understand what the music was about. But when the Professor started to narrate it I began to visualize and imagine the things happening through the sound of the music. I also wondered why the musicians would always go back to the Promenade section. It was also cool how the music had things that compared then contrasted. I say this because it was so many movements that were slow and mellow while others were more intense and loud. This was a great and also different video from the others we have seen so far. I think that as a listener you can visualize what the composer was trying to show through the music we were listening too. Not only that but just the sound that I heard from all the different instruments was very nice to hear. It was nice to hear them all playing together but with a unique sound because they all were using a different instrument from a different family.
                                                                     By Venezia Manuel

1 comment:

  1. It may not be a coincidence that you mentioned one of the main factors that stuck out to me from this piece: contrast. Dynamic contrast (louds and softs) tends to be one of the most memorable and emotional devices a band has in its arsenal. There is also a great deal of contrast during the comparison of the rich jew and the poor jew, which is probably why it was my favorite movement.


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