Saturday, December 8, 2012

My First Semester

WHEW! I feel like it's all happened so quickly. Only one more week remains until I can proudly announce, "I have survived my first semester of college!" This is my first time being so far away from home and I can't's tough. I miss the comfort and protection of my home. It's true! You don't realize what you have until it's gone. I would've never appreciated my comfy bed or the size of my refrigerator or even how far the bathroom is from my room had I not left for college. However, I have learned a lot this first semester. Not just academics, but also more about myself. If I could re-do this whole experience, here is what I would tell myself:

1. Just because there is nothing due for the amazing amount of readings you have to do, doesn't mean you can put it aside. It WILL appear on exams.
2. Bring an extra blanket. Dorm rooms get freakishly cold and the radiator sounds like a dying whale...PREPARE YOURSELF.
3. Have food and snacks in your room. A human can only take Burge food for so long...
4. DON'T procrastinate. At least try not to...
5. Have FUN! It's not all about studying. Reward yourself for all the effort you've put in and go out to eat or watch a movie with friends.

I enjoyed this class and seeing everybody's interpretations of what we listened to. Good luck on finals!

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