Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day One

It was nice to meet you all today, I am looking forward to a fun semester!.

As I mentioned at the end of class, please answer these three questions and bring your written/printed answers to class next Thursday. You may also choose to add them as a comment on this blog post.

Don't worry about creating a blog post this week, but feel free if you would like. Please let me know if you have any trouble with blogger or Google documents.


1. What would you like to learn during this course?

2. Suggest three guidelines for all classroom discussions.

3. What do you think the biggest challenge in college will be?

To give you a better idea of how to use the class material for your assignments, I have prepared these suggestions:

Blog Comment Ideas:
  • Contribute to and extend the classroom discussion
  • Share a link to a related website, article or blog
  • Offer your insight or opinion on a course topic

Blog Post Ideas:
  • Write an alternate program scenario to the music
  • Present and comment on several ideas about learning and adapting to college.
  • Share a link to a video, slideshow, or recording related to the course

Presentation Ideas:
  • Present an original powerpoint presentation, reading, essay, poem, skit, or composition
  • Present a 5-minute performance (sing, play your instrument, puppet show,)
  • Attend a live concert and give a report or review of the music

Final Project Ideas:
  • Give a research-style poster presentation
  • Create an online project or make a YouTube video
  • Create a work of art (drawing, painting, cartoon, sculpture, mobile, etc.)
  • Write a 10-page paper on a topic related to both your major and the music of this course


  1. 1. I would like to learn more about how melodies and harmonies work with each other to make interesting sounding chords.
    2. It might be a good idea if discussions are respectful, truthful, and open-minded.
    3. The biggest challenge of college for me will be learning how to manage time and study efficiently.

  2. Here is an interesting article from Hub Pages called "Music's DNA: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm". It draws a cool comparison between a person and music (melody is the face, harmondy is the meat, and rhythm is the bones".

    1. James, Thanks for being first with the comments. Regarding your answers:

      1. I will do my best to help you learn more about how melodies and harmonies work - without getting too technical. I think the thing to start noticing is the difference between "consonance" and "dissonance", as well as understanding how dissonance creates tension in music. Tension and release are essential to music. We'll also be talking about how composers create patterns, which create expectations, and how they break those expectations.
      I'll keep this in mind and try to point things out as we listen in class.

      2. Agreed - I think that those are be good pillars: respect, truth, and openness to new ideas. I think most would agree.

      3. Time management is the number one issue, especially your first year in college. It will take organization, prioritization, and discipline. We'll be talking about this and hopefully exchanging some good ideas. By the way, time management isn't a unique challenge to new college students. You will continue to face this challenge the rest of your life - it's just that the things you have to manage and their priorities change as you enter new phases.

      Thanks again for your questions,


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